This is interesting because our Chief Minister in and effort to settle political scores and punish some less than honest Directors on the bank boards has apparently agreed to not only surrender control of the local banks but have also surrendered ownership rights. Banks in Antigua was taken over restructured and returned to the people of Antigua, however in Anguilla our fabled anti colonial champion and Savior to many not only agreed for our local banks to be taken over by the ECCB but also agreed for the two local banks to be merged, then for the single local bank to be merged into the St Kitts Nevis Anguilla National Bank (SKNANB).
Over the last few months the ECCB have been busy deconstructions the local banks, breaking them into pieces, seeking to sell the pieces SKNANB either cant handle or don't want while the people of Anguilla have been sitting quiet listening to the Chief Minister blaming the local Directors for the Crisis. The local staff at the banks sees a dark future but is scared to say anything because they are all worried about their jobs.
By: Statchel Warner
By: Statchel Warner
Mr. Statchel Warner studied BSc International Relations, Cert. Social Services at University of the West Indies. He is a Thinker, Writer, Activist, Politician (former Anguillian National Alliance (ANA) Candidate), Entrepreneur, and a possible candidate for the Road South Constituency in the next General Election on Anguilla in 2015.
This is hogwash. The Chief Minister has no jurisdiction over the judiciary. Statchel should know better but then again, he's rational thoughts are clouded by his hatred of Hubert Hughes