Books about Anguilla


Friday 13 February 2015


The Anguilla Utter Mess (AUM) Administration and their influential peddlers still measure success solely by falsifying arithmetic ie. everything calculated as a catastrophic failure - economy, tourism, education, well-being, health, crime etc. And though we hold our own on that scorecard, we can prove a much more powerful point. We can prove that it's the success of the people that measured our excellence prior to 2010. 

So while the AUM continue to fabricate and propagate their mountains of lies and innuendos in this general election... the say-anything-to-win whispering campaign to no where... Team-AUF is on a course of setting goals in support of you the electorate who seeks a new kind of politics in the depth of people's commitment to political stability, economic development, peace, and a nation’s possibilities and prosperity.

We can do this with your help; there's power in numbers. If you're ready to be part of Team-AUF, now is the time to stand up and be counted, my fellow Anguillians. I know what I'm asking for is hard... that the AUM's politics and politicians have disappointed you so badly, to the point where sometimes it seems easier just to tune out and walk away.

But what you have to remember is that when you walk away, the same old politics wins every time like they did in 2010 - the nutshell-mentality fear-mongering approach with their decades of false starts, disunity, trials and failures delivering failed leadership and governments - the politicians who lie for a living, steal, the Custom' Duties evaders, the wife-beaters, the women haters, the adulterers, the animal cruelters, the sexual assaulters, the illegal substance pushers. That's what all the people who benefit from politics on Anguilla as a game are counting on.

That's why we need you. That's why we cannot do this alone. Team-AUF is not just asking you only to trust its ability to restore good government and change this country forever – it's asking you to trust in yourself; in your own instincts; in your own sense of possibilities; in your own sense of what's right for you and generations of Anguillians.

If you're ready to go down this path, there are thousands of others ready to go with you right now, here on Anguilla! So, get on-board my people... It's all about a Diaspora!

By: Realist Spikenice 
Candidate against the Anguilla Utter Mess (AUM) Administration

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“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity” – MLK.