Books about Anguilla


Friday 27 November 2009


Fellow Anguillians

Your generosity is what will make it possible to mount a winning campaign. For that, we cannot thank you enough.

The Anguilla United Front (AUF) believes that the most extraordinary and deeply humbling result is the people – thousands of you - who have taken ownership of this campaign. It’s a thunderclap over the political process. It means our campaign has more supporters than any campaign in history at this point in an election, and it’s a wake-up call to our current politics.

It means ordinary people are coming together in unprecedented numbers to take back their political process. It means you are defying the pundits, rejecting their cynicism and negativity, and embracing the hope that we will continue changing things for the success of all Anguillians.

It means we are building a movement so big, so deep, and so personal that our collective voice is undeniable; that no deceptive mediocre forums or (certain) accreditation seeking commentators with their phony reports and uneducated analysis from their non-refereed sources - twisting arms trying to distort the facts and savage our efforts - can hoodwink nor stand in our way of the thousands of personal success stories to share. Stories that ring true with passion and a hunger to maintain good governance, political stability, continue economic development, and a nation’s prosperity.

But even though so many of us share a common goal, our success is not inevitable. It’s impressive and inspiring, but the work continues. We’ve demonstrated that we can defy expectations and turn the political process on its head but now it’s time to build on our milestones of success.

We need to stay focus; keeping our eyes on the ball; and as the ball shoots for the goal – be in position for the rebound… just in case. We need to continue working inside our own communities, by reaching out to our friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors. We need to identify our common ground and work together for the common good.

Thank you for your generosity and support.

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“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity” – MLK.